Keywords = Anatomy
Systematic study of Paspalum (Poaceae) species in Iran

Volume 12, Issue 3, June 2020, Pages 43-56


Zahra Faghih; Maryam keshavarzi; Arman Mahmoodi Otaghvari; Samaneh Mosaferi

Comparative leaf and petiole anatomy and micro morphology of the genus Geum (Rosaceae) from Iran

Volume 9, Issue 1, July 2017, Pages 45-58


Marzieh faghir; Fatemeh Ashori; Atefeh Mehrmanesh

Changes in physiological anatomical and parameters of okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.) under different ultraviolet radiation

Volume 5, Issue 16, September 2013, Pages 13-26

Soroush Kargar Khorrami; Rashid Jamei; Siavash Hosseini Sarghein