Guide for Authors

I. Aim of the Journal

University of Isfahan with aim to introduce and publish the latest scientific findings of researchers from universities and scientific in all different sub disciplines of plant biology, journal of research “Journal of Plant Biological Sciences (former name: Iranian Journal of Plant Biology)” will be published as quarterly-year.


II. Scope of the Journal

TheJournal of Plant Biological Sciences (former name: Iranian Journal of Plant Biology) publishes original contributions on aspects: plant physiology, plant molecular biology, plant cell biology, plant genetics, plant systematic, plant ecology, plant-microbe interactions, mycology and plant pathology. The manuscripts will be published after exact review as full or short paper.

Transfer of Copyright Agreement

This file can be downloaded here and you are required to fill out this form

Article Processing Charges: Articles in Journal of Plant Biological Sciences (former name: Iranian Journal of Plant Biology) are open-access and available online at no cost to read, download, distribute or reuse. To support open-access publishing, IJPB charges a publication fee to offset peer review management, journal production, language editing and online hosting and archiving.

These fees include 1000,000 Rials for the first screening by Chief Editor or Editorial Board and 2,500,000 Rials for Acceptance which are payable upon acceptance.

III. Copyrights

  1. The author(s) warrants that the article (including the illustrations) is an original work, not published, or not submitted or submitted elsewhere in whole or in part. Also, the results should be not presented in meeting.
  2. The responsibility of the article goes to the corresponding author.
  3. The number and names of the authors of the paper is done by agreement between them and the corresponding author.
  4. Non-compliance with article writing or style of journal will cause the reject or delay in the acceptation of article.
  5. Journal for accepting, rejecting or amending article will act based on laws passed by the journal.
  6. Articles received by editors and reviewers of scientific experts are checked, and after acceptance by the editorial board in compliance with the time to be published.

IV. Preparation of Manuscript

Manuscripts should be written in Persian. Persian grammar rules and the clearness of sentences are concerned.

A full paper is included: Title, Author(s) Name(s'), Author(s) Affiliation(s'), Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. The paper should be set a maximum of 15 pages in final format of journal.

A short paper is entirely similar to full paper, as with: Title, Author(s) Name(s'), Author(s) Affiliation(s'), Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. The only difference is that without segmentation and maximum 4 pages.


V. Organization of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be prepared by using Microsoft Office Word file format 2003, the paper A4, with 3-cm margins on all sides of the page, spacing 1 (single) and as one-column.


Title: Persian: Bold 16 B Zar; English: 14 Times New Roman Bold.

Author(s) Name(s'): Persian: 11 B Zar; English: 9 Times New Roman.

Enter the number of the affiliation of each author after author(s) name(s') as superscript.

Enter (*) for corresponding author.

Author(s) Affiliation(s'): Persian: 10 B Zar; English: 8 Times New Roman.

Enter the number of the affiliation of each author before address as superscript.

The contact e-mail address of corresponding author: 10 Times New Roman.

Abstract: Persian: 11 B Zar; English: 9 Times New Roman.

The abstract should contain between 100 to 250 words and ovoid from using the abbreviated words.

Key words: Please provide a maximum 7 words. The words should be related and arranged alphabetically.

Main text: Persian: 13 B Zar; English: 11 Times New Roman.

It should contain Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References.

Insert a footnote to express both English and Persian and vice versa should be avoided and, if necessary, be brought within the parentheses in the text.


Tables and Figures:

  • All tables and figures must have a caption and/or legend and be numbered.
  • Tables and figures should be placed in the main text where they are first cited.
  • The font used in the tables and figures should Persian: 11 B Zar; English: 9 Times New Roman.
  • The format of tables should be selected as “None” from Text wrapping section.
  • The format of figures should be selected as “In line with text” from Layout section.
  • Long tables should be designed as integrated table.
  • Figures must be submitted as two-dimensional, no shade and with high resolution.
  • Figures should be removed from the grouping and integrated.
  • Multi-part figures should be only labeled with capital English letters (above, left).
  • Figures that are diagrams must be designed as two-dimensional, black and white, no shade, with a simple structure without horizontal lines.



The references should be set based on American Psychological Association Style (APA). References that used throughout in paper should be only available in English. In the case of publications in Persian, the published English title should be provided if one exists and specified at the end with inserted the phrase (in Persian). If the publication was not published with an English title, provide the original title only; do not provide a self-translation. References in the text of the four cases should be completely conformed: use or not in the text or at the end, having the correct and same spelling, having or not having a co-author, and having the same year. References should be formatted as follows (please note the punctuation and capitalisation):


References in text

References should be cited in the text by the last name(s) of the author(s) and year of publication: for example, Ranjbar and Mahmoudian (2013) or Ashrafzadeh et al. (2010), the latter when there are three or more authors, or alternatively in a parenthesis (Ashrafzadeh et al., 2010; Kharazian, 2010; Mehdipour Moghaddam et al., 2012; Ranjbar and Mahmoudian, 2013).


References in list

The reference list should be arranged alphabetically on authors' names and chronologically per author. Hanging indentation is 5.0 cm in size. The font should be used 11 Times New Roman.


Journal article:

Gholipour, A. and Sonboli, A. (2013) Rediscovery of Acorus calamus (Acoraceae) in Iran. Taxonomy and Biosystematics 5(15): 113-116 (in Persian).

Takano, A., Gisil, J. and Suleiman, M. (2013) Floral size variation causes differentiation of pollinators and genetic parameters in Alpinia nieuwenhuizii, a flexistylous ginger (Zingiberaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 299(5): 865-871.


Please note for cite the papers that have not been published yet should be formatted as follows:

Laroche, J. and Durand, J. D. (2004) Genetic structure of fragmented populations of a threatened endemic percid of the Rhone River: Zingel asper (in press)



As the translator of many books is done without authorization from the author and the publisher gets, their use leads to problems in the international community. Therefore, authors must be avoided to citing the Persian translations. If necessary, the original book should be cited.

Ghahreman, A. and Attar, F. (1999) Biodiversity of plant species in Iran. Tehran University Press, Tehran (in Persian).

Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E. (2010) Plant physiology. 5th edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland.


Chapters in books:

Morrison, L. A. (1993) Triticum-Aegilops systematics: taking an integrative approach. In: Biodiversity and wheat improvement (Ed. Damania, A. B.) 59-66. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Sears, E. R. (1956) The systematic, cytology and genetics of wheat. In: Handbuch der Pflazenzuchtung. (Eds. Kapparet, H. and Rudorf, W.) 2: 164-187. Paul Parey, Berlin and Humburg.


Multi-volume books with chief editor:

Rechinger, K. H. (Ed.) (1963-1998) Flora Iranica. vols. 1-176. Akademische Druck-U Verlagsanstalt, Graz.

Townsend, C. C. and Guest, E. (1966-1985) Flora of Iraq. vols. 1-9. Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.

Podlech, D., Zarre, Sh. and Maassoumi, A. A. (2001) Papilionaceae IV, Astragalus II. In: Flora Iranica (Ed. Rechinger, K. H.) vol. 175. Akademische Druck-U Verlagsanstalt, Graz.



Barzehkar, Gh. (1995) Flora and plant communities with their distribution according to ecological properties in Noor Forest Park. MSc thesis, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).

Lawlor, H. J. (1989) Tissue culture of Australian brown seaweeds and an assessment of their tocopherol content. PhD thesis, Murdock University, Perth, Australia.



Suzuki, T., Ohishi, N. and Yagi, K. (2000) Methods of obtaining a composition 9-cis β-Carotene in high purity. US Patent 6057484.


Conference (Seminars, Symposia, Congresses, Meetings, etc.):

Mason-Gamer, R. J. and Helfgott, D. M. (2002) Molecular phylogenetic investigation of allopolyploid Elymus in North America. 4th International Triticeae Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic.


Proceedings conference (full paper):

Mohsenzadeh, S. (1996) Study of nitrogen fertilizer time and amount on seed production and other characterizations of Sorgum. In: Proceeding of the 4th Iranian congress of agriculture and plant breeding, Isfahan, Iran (in Persian).

Somsap, V., Atkins, C. and Jones, M. G. K. (1993) Tissue culture for transformation of narrow- and broad-leafed lupins. In: Proceeding of the 33rd Annual General Meeting of Australian Society of Plant Physiologist, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.


References with organization as author

Iran Meteorological Organization (2007) Statistical data of Gonabad synoptic station. Retrieved from On: 30 October 2007 (in Persian).


Web sites (no print version):

Citing URLs is almost void; except for addresses that content "databases" can be used such as IPNI and ICPN.

IPNI, The International Plant Names Index. Retrieved from On: 31 March 2012.

ISTA, International Seed Testing Association. Retrieved from On: 16 May 2013.

Rotblat, J. (2000) Fifty Pugwash conferences: a tribute to Eugene Rabinowitch. Retrieved from http:// reports/ pac/ pac256/ otblat. htm. On: 22 June 2001.


VI. English parts

Regarding to that article written in Persian: the first English title, Author(s) Name(s'), Author(s) Affiliation(s'), Email, Abstract and Keywords should be also written and prepared in English. All they must be conformed to their Persian.

Title: 14 Times New Roman Bold.

Author(s) Name(s'): 11 Times New Roman Bold.

Enter the number of the affiliation of each author after author(s) name(s') as superscript.

Enter (*) for corresponding author.

Author(s) Affiliation(s'): 10 Times New Roman.

Enter the number of the affiliation of each author before address as superscript.

The contact e-mail address of corresponding author: 10 Times New Roman.

Abstract: 12 Times New Roman.

Key words: 12 Times New Roman.


VII. Submission

All submissions can only be made by follows:

Manuscripts prepared by using Microsoft Office Word file format 2003 and with the copyright form should be sent by faculty members. All manuscripts should be sent by online submission.

Note: Considering that the promotion of a journal in the direction of international indexing depends on the existence of an extended abstract, therefore, authors are required to send an extended abstract in Persian and English after the initial acceptance of the article.

The structure of the extended abstract in English (between 700 and 1000 words):

An extended abstract is a scientific article that is prepared with the aim of providing the study of the main article in a short period of time. In this regard, and in order to make it possible for non-Persian speaking audiences to read Persian articles, the Iranian Plant Biology Journal provides an extended abstract in English with the following structure for each Persian article, which is published along with each article.

Components of an extended English abstract:

Extended abstract title


Name and surname, organizational affiliation, e-mail, ORCID

Designation of the responsible author

Main text

Abstract: It is the Persian abstract in English, which should be in harmony with the text of the extended abstract.


The introduction should include the scope, purpose, problem, importance and limitations of the research and in other words answer the question "What is the main problem of the present research?" Also, the background and literature of the research should be briefly discussed. Hypotheses or research questions should be clearly stated. If you need to refer to an article, refer only to the articles that are referred to in the Persian text of the article and are also found in the sources section of the article.

The number of words in the introduction section is about 200 to 300 words.

Materials and Methods:

The number of words in the materials and methods section is about 200 to 300 words. If you need to refer to an article, refer only to the articles that are referred to in the Persian text of the article and are also found in the sources section of the article.

Results and Discussion:

In this section, the findings are summarized. There is no need to bring tables, graphs or figures in this section. If you need to refer to figures or tables, refer to the same figure or table number in the Persian text. If you need to refer to an article, refer only to the articles that are referred to in the Persian text of the article and are also found in the sources section of the article.

The number of words in the results and discussion section is about 200 to 300 words.


The contents expressed in this section must be related to the problem and hypotheses or research questions presented in the introduction and based on the findings expressed in the research findings section.

The number of words in the conclusion section is about 50 to 100 words.


If necessary, the people and organizations that have cooperated in the research results should be appreciated.

  Keywords: To describe the content of the article, at least 5 keywords should be announced in this section.

List of references: There is no need for a new list of references and the same list of references for the entire article is sufficient. As mentioned before, every source or reference mentioned in the text of the extended abstract should be included in the References section at the end of the article.

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